Source code for xrtist.plot_collection

"""Plot collection classes."""
from importlib import import_module

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from arviz.sel_utils import xarray_sel_iter
from datatree import DataTree

def sel_subset(sel, present_dims):
    return {key: value for key, value in sel.items() if key in present_dims}

def subset_ds(ds, var_name, sel):
    subset_dict = sel_subset(sel, ds[var_name].dims)
    if subset_dict:
        out = ds[var_name].sel(subset_dict)
        out = ds[var_name]
    if out.size == 1:
        return out.item()
    return out.values

def _process_facet_dims(data, facet_dims):
    if not facet_dims:
        return 1, {}
    facets_per_var = {}
    if "__variable__" in facet_dims:
        for var_name, da in data.items():
            lenghts = [len(da[dim]) for dim in facet_dims if dim in da.dims]
            facets_per_var[var_name] = if lenghts else 1
        n_facets = np.sum(list(facets_per_var.values()))
        missing_dims = {
            var_name: [dim for dim in facet_dims if dim not in da.dims]
            for var_name, da in data.items()
        missing_dims = {k: v for k, v in missing_dims.items() if v}
        if any(missing_dims.values()):
            raise ValueError(
                "All variables must have all facetting dimensions, but found the following "
                f"dims to be missing in these variables: {missing_dims}"
        n_facets =[data.sizes[dim] for dim in facet_dims])
    return n_facets, facets_per_var

[docs]class PlotCollection:
[docs] def __init__(self, data, viz_ds, aes=None, backend=None, **kwargs): = data self.preprocessed_data = None self.viz = viz_ds self.ds = xr.Dataset() if backend is not None: self.backend = backend if aes is None: aes = {} for aes_key, dims in aes.items(): aes_raw_shape = [len(data[dim]) for dim in dims] n_aes = aes_vals = kwargs.get(aes_key, [None]) n_aes_vals = len(aes_vals) if n_aes_vals > n_aes: aes_vals = aes_vals[:n_aes] elif n_aes_vals < n_aes: aes_vals = np.tile(aes_vals, (n_aes // n_aes_vals) + 1)[:n_aes] self.ds[aes_key] = xr.DataArray( np.array(aes_vals).reshape(aes_raw_shape), dims=dims, coords={dim: data.coords[dim] for dim in dims if dim in data.coords}, ) self.aes = aes
@property def base_loop_dims(self): return set(self.viz["plot"].dims) @classmethod def wrap( cls, data, cols=None, col_wrap=4, backend="matplotlib", plot_grid_kws=None, **kwargs, ): if plot_grid_kws is None: plot_grid_kws = {} if cols is None: plots_raw_shape = () n_plots = 1 else: plots_raw_shape = [len(data[col]) for col in cols] n_plots = if n_plots <= col_wrap: n_rows, n_cols = 1, n_plots else: n_rows = n_plots // col_wrap + 1 n_cols = col_wrap plot_bknd = import_module(f".backend.{backend}", package="xrtist") fig, ax_ary = plot_bknd.create_plotting_grid(n_plots, n_rows, n_cols, **plot_grid_kws) col_id, row_id = np.meshgrid(np.arange(n_cols), np.arange(n_rows)) if n_plots > 1: viz_ds = xr.Dataset( { "chart": fig, "plot": (cols, ax_ary.flatten()[:n_plots].reshape(plots_raw_shape)), "row": (cols, row_id.flatten()[:n_plots].reshape(plots_raw_shape)), "col": (cols, col_id.flatten()[:n_plots].reshape(plots_raw_shape)), }, coords={col: data[col] for col in cols}, ) else: viz_ds = xr.Dataset( { "chart": fig, "plot": ax_ary, "row": 0, "col": 0, }, ) return cls(data, viz_ds, backend=backend, **kwargs) @classmethod def grid( cls, data, cols, rows, backend="matplotlib", plot_grid_kws=None, **kwargs, ): if plot_grid_kws is None: plot_grid_kws = {} n_cols =[data.sizes[col] for col in cols]) n_rows =[data.sizes[row] for row in rows]) n_plots = n_cols * n_rows plot_bknd = import_module(f".backend.{backend}", package="xrtist") fig, ax_ary = plot_bknd.create_plotting_grid(n_plots, n_rows, n_cols, **plot_grid_kws) dims = tuple((*rows, *cols)) # use provided dim orders, not existing ones col_id, row_id = np.meshgrid(np.arange(n_cols), np.arange(n_rows)) plots_raw_shape = [len(data[dim]) for dim in dims] viz_ds = xr.Dataset( { "chart": fig, "plot": (dims, ax_ary.flatten().reshape(plots_raw_shape)), "row": (dims, row_id.flatten().reshape(plots_raw_shape)), "col": (dims, col_id.flatten().reshape(plots_raw_shape)), }, coords={dim: data[dim] for dim in dims}, ) return cls(data, viz_ds, backend=backend, **kwargs) def _update_aes(self, ignore_aes=frozenset()): aes = [aes_key for aes_key in self.aes.keys() if aes_key not in ignore_aes] aes_dims = [dim for aes_key in aes for dim in self.aes[aes_key]] all_loop_dims = self.base_loop_dims.union(aes_dims) return aes, all_loop_dims def plot_iterator(self, ignore_aes=frozenset()): _, all_loop_dims = self._update_aes(ignore_aes) plotters = xarray_sel_iter(, skip_dims={dim for dim in if dim not in all_loop_dims} ) for var_name, sel, isel in plotters: yield var_name, sel, isel def map( self, fun, fun_label=None, *, ignore_aes=frozenset(), preprocessed=False, subset_info=False, store_artist=True, **kwargs, ): aes, all_loop_dims = self._update_aes(ignore_aes) plotters = xarray_sel_iter(, skip_dims={dim for dim in if dim not in all_loop_dims} ) artist_dims = [dim for dim in if dim in all_loop_dims] artist_shape = [len([dim]) for dim in artist_dims] if fun_label is None: fun_label = fun.__name__ if store_artist: self.viz[fun_label] = xr.DataArray( np.empty(artist_shape, dtype=object), dims=artist_dims, coords={dim:[dim] for dim in artist_dims}, ) for var_name, sel, isel in plotters: da = target = subset_ds(self.viz, "plot", sel) aes_kwargs = {} for aes_key in aes: aes_kwargs[aes_key] = subset_ds(self.ds, aes_key, sel) fun_kwargs = {**aes_kwargs, **kwargs} fun_kwargs["backend"] = self.backend if preprocessed: if self.preprocessed_data is None: raise ValueError( "You must manually set the `preprocessed_data` to use preprocessed=True" ) pre_da = self.preprocessed_data.sel(sel_subset(sel, self.preprocessed_data.dims)) fun_kwargs["preprocessed_data"] = pre_da if subset_info: fun_kwargs = {**fun_kwargs, "var_name": var_name, "sel": sel, "isel": isel} aux_artist = fun(da, target=target, **fun_kwargs) if store_artist: self.viz[fun_label].loc[sel] = aux_artist def add_legend(self, aes, artist, **kwargs): pass
[docs]class PlotMuseum:
[docs] def __init__(self, data, viz_dt, aes_dt=None, aes=None, backend=None, **kwargs): = data self.preprocessed_data = None self.viz = viz_dt self.dt = aes_dt if backend is not None: self.backend = backend if aes is None: aes = {} self._aes = aes self._kwargs = kwargs
def generate_aes_dt(self, aes, **kwargs): if aes is None: aes = {} self._aes = aes self._kwargs = kwargs self.dt = DataTree() for var_name, da in ds = xr.Dataset() for aes_key, dims in aes.items(): aes_vals = kwargs.get(aes_key, [None]) aes_raw_shape = [da.sizes[dim] for dim in dims if dim in da.dims] if not aes_raw_shape: ds[aes_key] = aes_vals[0] continue n_aes = n_aes_vals = len(aes_vals) if n_aes_vals > n_aes: aes_vals = aes_vals[:n_aes] elif n_aes_vals < n_aes: aes_vals = np.tile(aes_vals, (n_aes // n_aes_vals) + 1)[:n_aes] ds[aes_key] = xr.DataArray( np.array(aes_vals).reshape(aes_raw_shape), dims=dims, coords={dim: da.coords[dim] for dim in dims if dim in da.coords}, ) DataTree(name=var_name, parent=self.dt, data=ds) @property def base_loop_dims(self): if "plot" in self.viz.data_vars: return set(self.viz["plot"].dims) return set(dim for da in self.viz.children.values() for dim in da["plot"].dims) def get_viz(self, var_name): return self.viz if "plot" in self.viz.data_vars else self.viz[var_name] @classmethod def wrap( cls, data, cols=None, col_wrap=4, backend="matplotlib", plot_grid_kws=None, **kwargs, ): if cols is None: cols = [] if plot_grid_kws is None: plot_grid_kws = {} n_plots, plots_per_var = _process_facet_dims(data, cols) if n_plots <= col_wrap: n_rows, n_cols = 1, n_plots else: div_mod = divmod(n_plots, col_wrap) n_rows = div_mod[0] + (div_mod[1] != 0) n_cols = col_wrap plot_bknd = import_module(f".backend.{backend}", package="xrtist") fig, ax_ary = plot_bknd.create_plotting_grid( n_plots, n_rows, n_cols, squeeze=False, **plot_grid_kws ) col_id, row_id = np.meshgrid(np.arange(n_cols), np.arange(n_rows)) viz_dict = {} flat_ax_ary = ax_ary.flatten()[:n_plots] flat_row_id = row_id.flatten()[:n_plots] flat_col_id = col_id.flatten()[:n_plots] if "__variable__" not in cols: dims = cols # use provided dim orders, not existing ones plots_raw_shape = [data.sizes[dim] for dim in dims] viz_dict["/"] = xr.Dataset( { "chart": fig, "plot": (dims, flat_ax_ary.reshape(plots_raw_shape)), "row": (dims, flat_row_id.reshape(plots_raw_shape)), "col": (dims, flat_col_id.reshape(plots_raw_shape)), }, coords={dim: data[dim] for dim in dims}, ) else: viz_dict["/"] = xr.Dataset({"chart": xr.DataArray(fig)}) all_dims = cols facet_cumulative = 0 for var_name, da in data.items(): dims = [dim for dim in all_dims if dim in da.dims] plots_raw_shape = [data.sizes[dim] for dim in dims] col_slice = ( slice(None, None) if var_name not in plots_per_var else slice(facet_cumulative, facet_cumulative + plots_per_var[var_name]) ) facet_cumulative += plots_per_var[var_name] viz_dict[var_name] = xr.Dataset( { "plot": ( dims, flat_ax_ary[col_slice].reshape(plots_raw_shape), ), "row": ( dims, flat_row_id[col_slice].reshape(plots_raw_shape), ), "col": ( dims, flat_col_id[col_slice].reshape(plots_raw_shape), ), } ) viz_dt = DataTree.from_dict(viz_dict) return cls(data, viz_dt, backend=backend, **kwargs) @classmethod def grid( cls, data, cols=None, rows=None, backend="matplotlib", plot_grid_kws=None, **kwargs, ): if cols is None: cols = [] if rows is None: rows = [] if plot_grid_kws is None: plot_grid_kws = {} repeated_dims = [col for col in cols if col in rows] if repeated_dims: raise ValueError("The same dimension can't be used for both cols and rows.") n_cols, cols_per_var = _process_facet_dims(data, cols) n_rows, rows_per_var = _process_facet_dims(data, rows) n_plots = n_cols * n_rows plot_bknd = import_module(f".backend.{backend}", package="xrtist") fig, ax_ary = plot_bknd.create_plotting_grid( n_plots, n_rows, n_cols, squeeze=False, **plot_grid_kws ) col_id, row_id = np.meshgrid(np.arange(n_cols), np.arange(n_rows)) viz_dict = {} if "__variable__" not in cols and "__variable__" not in rows: dims = tuple((*rows, *cols)) # use provided dim orders, not existing ones plots_raw_shape = [data.sizes[dim] for dim in dims] viz_dict["/"] = xr.Dataset( { "chart": fig, "plot": (dims, ax_ary.flatten().reshape(plots_raw_shape)), "row": (dims, row_id.flatten().reshape(plots_raw_shape)), "col": (dims, col_id.flatten().reshape(plots_raw_shape)), }, coords={dim: data[dim] for dim in dims}, ) else: viz_dict["/"] = xr.Dataset({"chart": xr.DataArray(fig)}) all_dims = tuple((*rows, *cols)) # use provided dim orders, not existing ones facet_cumulative = 0 for var_name, da in data.items(): dims = [dim for dim in all_dims if dim in da.dims] plots_raw_shape = [data.sizes[dim] for dim in dims] row_slice = ( slice(None, None) if var_name not in rows_per_var else slice(facet_cumulative, facet_cumulative + rows_per_var[var_name]) ) col_slice = ( slice(None, None) if var_name not in cols_per_var else slice(facet_cumulative, facet_cumulative + cols_per_var[var_name]) ) if rows_per_var: facet_cumulative += rows_per_var[var_name] else: facet_cumulative += cols_per_var[var_name] viz_dict[var_name] = xr.Dataset( { "plot": ( dims, ax_ary[row_slice, col_slice].flatten().reshape(plots_raw_shape), ), "row": ( dims, row_id[row_slice, col_slice].flatten().reshape(plots_raw_shape), ), "col": ( dims, col_id[row_slice, col_slice].flatten().reshape(plots_raw_shape), ), } ) viz_dt = DataTree.from_dict(viz_dict) return cls(data, viz_dt, backend=backend, **kwargs) def _update_aes(self, ignore_aes, coords): aes = [aes_key for aes_key in self._aes.keys() if aes_key not in ignore_aes] aes_dims = [dim for aes_key in aes for dim in self._aes[aes_key]] all_loop_dims = self.base_loop_dims.union(aes_dims).difference(coords.keys()) return aes, all_loop_dims def plot_iterator(self, ignore_aes=frozenset()): _, all_loop_dims = self._update_aes(ignore_aes) plotters = xarray_sel_iter(, skip_dims={dim for dim in if dim not in all_loop_dims} ) for var_name, sel, isel in plotters: yield var_name, sel, isel def map( self, fun, fun_label=None, *, coords=None, ignore_aes=frozenset(), preprocessed=False, subset_info=False, store_artist=True, artist_dims=None, **kwargs, ): if coords is None: coords = {} if self.dt is None: self.generate_aes_dt(self._aes, **self._kwargs) if artist_dims is None: artist_dims = {} if fun_label is None: fun_label = fun.__name__ data = aes, all_loop_dims = self._update_aes(ignore_aes, coords) plotters = xarray_sel_iter( data, skip_dims={dim for dim in data.dims if dim not in all_loop_dims} ) if store_artist: for var_name, da in data.items(): if var_name not in self.viz.children: DataTree(name=var_name, parent=self.viz) inherited_dims = [dim for dim in da.dims if dim in all_loop_dims] artist_shape = [da.sizes[dim] for dim in inherited_dims] + list( artist_dims.values() ) all_artist_dims = inherited_dims + list(artist_dims.keys()) self.viz[var_name][fun_label] = xr.DataArray( np.empty(artist_shape, dtype=object), dims=all_artist_dims, coords={dim: data[dim] for dim in inherited_dims}, ) for var_name, sel, isel in plotters: da = data[var_name].sel(sel) sel_plus = {**sel, **coords} target = subset_ds(self.get_viz(var_name), "plot", sel_plus) aes_kwargs = {} for aes_key in aes: aes_kwargs[aes_key] = subset_ds(self.dt[var_name], aes_key, sel_plus) fun_kwargs = {**aes_kwargs, **kwargs} fun_kwargs["backend"] = self.backend if preprocessed: if self.preprocessed_data is None: raise ValueError( "You must manually set the `preprocessed_data` to use preprocessed=True" ) pre_da = self.preprocessed_data.sel(sel_subset(sel, self.preprocessed_data.dims)) fun_kwargs["preprocessed_data"] = pre_da if subset_info: fun_kwargs = {**fun_kwargs, "var_name": var_name, "sel": sel, "isel": isel} aux_artist = fun(da, target=target, **fun_kwargs) if store_artist: self.viz[var_name][fun_label].loc[sel] = aux_artist def add_legend(self, aes, artist, **kwargs): pass